Environmental Health

Here is some information about how our health is impacted by environmental and food choices.

Plastics: Avoid food and beverage packaged in plastic and avoid cannod food and drinks because they are lined with BPA plastic. Plastics #2,4,and 5 are maybe safest for food/beverage contact.

For the health of our planet, recycle, re use, and choose non plastic when possible.

Flame retardants: They are harmful to our health. It is in mattresses, furniture, cushions, and tragically, children’s bed clothes. I recommend latex wrapped with wool for furniture cushions and mattresses. I have worked with Perch furniture and Cotton Cloud Futon in the past; they make affordable furniture and mattress with wool/latex cushioning.

Pesticides are neurotoxic. You can not wash pesticide residue off the outside of food because pesticides are inside ‘conventionally’ grown fruits and vegetables. I recommend Organic or biodynamically grown food.

Hormones and antiobiotics: these have negative health effects if they are in your food. I recommend choosing grass fed, free range/pastured meats, eggs and dairy – which are usually free of hormones or antibiotics added to the animals’ feed.  Grass fed/pastured food also has more omegas – which have many heart-healthy benefits. 

Yours In Health,
Shay Hosseinion MD